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A bit of intellect mixed with liquor

membru din 24 December 2017

A bit of intellect mixed with liquor

                         Sunphoto Presents
                  All Rights Reserved © 2015 Distribution
                    Always a family P R I V A C Y L O L
    F A M I L Y                                      F R I E N D S H I P   
    noun /fam-i-ly/                                   noun /frend-ship/
    ━━━━                                       ━━━━
    People in your life who are close to your heart.      A relationship between people who hold
    Who bring out the best in you. Who laugh, cele-     mutual affection for each other; friendly
    brate, and dream with you. Who love you infini-     disposition or feeling for another; the b-
    tely.                                         ond of friends.
                   ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃     
                     Bandă. Dacă vrei să te alături, doar lasă un mesaj.    
ℬ̺e̺a̺u̺t̺i̺f̺u̺l̺   ›[Kylie♥Jenner]‹   ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
ℬ̺e̺a̺u̺t̺i̺f̺u̺l̺   ›[Kylie♥Jenner]‹   ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
̺ℳ̺i̺n̺d̺f̺u̺l̺ ›[Fran♥Lachowski]‹ ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
̺ℳ̺i̺n̺d̺f̺u̺l̺ ›[Fran♥Lachowski]‹ ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
̺ℰ̺x̺p̺a̺n̺s̺i̺v̺e̺ ›[Matt♥Daddario]‹ ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
̺ℰ̺x̺p̺a̺n̺s̺i̺v̺e̺ ›[Matt♥Daddario]‹ ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
ℰ̺x̺u̺b̺e̺r̺a̺n̺t̺  ›[Justin♥Bieber]‹ ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
ℰ̺x̺u̺b̺e̺r̺a̺n̺t̺  ›[Justin♥Bieber]‹ ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃
▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃ ▃
̺ℬ̺e̺l̺o̺v̺e̺d̺ ›[Ashley♥Benson]‹ ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
̺ℬ̺e̺l̺o̺v̺e̺d̺ ›[Ashley♥Benson]‹ ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
̺ℛ̺e̺m̺a̺r̺k̺a̺b̺l̺e̺ ›[Lexi♥Wood]‹  ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
̺ℛ̺e̺m̺a̺r̺k̺a̺b̺l̺e̺ ›[Lexi♥Wood]‹  ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
̺ℋ̺o̺p̺e̺f̺u̺l̺   ›[Miley♥Cyrus]‹   ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
̺ℋ̺o̺p̺e̺f̺u̺l̺   ›[Miley♥Cyrus]‹   ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
̺ℒ̺o̺y̺a̺l̺ ›[Milena♥Tscharntke]‹ ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
̺ℒ̺o̺y̺a̺l̺ ›[Milena♥Tscharntke]‹ ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
̺ℋ̺u̺m̺o̺r̺o̺u̺s̺ ›[Harry♥Styles]‹  ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
̺ℋ̺u̺m̺o̺r̺o̺u̺s̺ ›[Harry♥Styles]‹  ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
̺ℱ̺a̺i̺t̺h̺f̺u̺l̺  ›[Roman♥Royale]‹  ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
̺ℱ̺a̺i̺t̺h̺f̺u̺l̺  ›[Roman♥Royale]‹  ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
̺ℛ̺i̺a̺n̺t̺  ›[Em♥Ratajkowski]‹  ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺
̺ℛ̺i̺a̺n̺t̺  ›[Em♥Ratajkowski]‹  ℭ̺̺h̺a̺r̺a̺c̺t̺e̺r̺

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